How to locate a missing glider
Use this comprehensive checklist to expedite finding a missing glider.
Missing Glider Checklist This is from PASCO, so may need to adjust some for our region with fewer transponders but similar methods may be helpful. Local copy (PDF).
GTA sign in list, Excel format.
If you have SPOT, InReach, or Cell phone GPS tracker please register with the SSA Sailplane Tracker.
Sites We Fly at:
Chilhowee Gliderport – a Great Ridge Soaring Gliderport in Benton, Eastern Tennessee – Airnav Airport info 92A
Huntsville Soaring Club,at the Moontown airport in North Alabama – Airnav Airport info 3M5
Southern Eagles Soaring in Butler, Georgia, see directions on site. Airnav info on 6A1
Turnpoints available: official list, additional maps and shorter turnpoint lists for old gps systems
Central Alabama Soaring Association – CASA Sylacauga Alabama
Mid Georgia Soaring Association MGSA, in Monroe Georgia East of Atlanta – Airnav Airport info D73
Eagleville Soaring Club, TN. Airnav Airport info 50M
Turnpoints at:
Tullahoma, TN
Cordele, Georgia, The Cordele-Crisp County Airport in South Georgia along I-75. Great thermals, big fields and friendly atmosphere. – Airnav Airport info CKF
Jasper/Marion County Airport Tennessee – Great location for the Sequatchie Ridge Airnav Airport Info KAPT
Rose City Soaring Association, Quitman, Georgia all months with the exception of July-August when operations are conducted in Bainbridge, Georgia. Turn points available for both and .
Winddrift is next to the LaBerge’s in Concorde GA – South of Griffin, S of Atlanta.
As of 2015 the best turnpoint list is the one for nearby Warm Springs, Turnpoint #2 is Windrift, additional maps and shorter turnpoint lists for old gps systems.
Etowah Bend, Kingston GA – Airnav Airport info 8GA7
Pine Mountain, GA – Airnav Airport info KPIM,
How about your Airport? We are always looking for new places to host a race or two each season, though we have found that attendance is poor outside our core area, most pilots just cannot drive 4-6 hours for a short weekend as they would for a 6 day regional race.
Competition and Racing Info:
Good information on how to get started: SSA Guide to Soaring Competition.
SSA Current Sailplane Handicaps
Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama make up much of SSA region 5, . . R5 Facebook
Winscore scoring program
Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange [ North America ]
Arizona Soaring Association – ASA has a race series similar to the GTA
Soaring Server Many links and resources.
OLC OnLine Contest
Soaring Forecast Page SES’s Comprehensive page for Soaring related forecasting.
SkySight the newest and latest weather site
High Resolution GOES East Satellite images – Southeast – guide
One of the best weather resources around is from P. J. Kelly at Valley Soaring Association in Williams California (Sacramento Valley):
Soaring and Flying in Thermal Lift – has great information on Reading Thermal Indexes and Adiabatic charts. … Soaring Weather Info page – for California’s Sacramento Valley – has many great explanations & links.
Kevin’s Ford’s Thermal Report Generator, is based on RAOB sounding and is very useful.
Other Links:
Soaring Usenet Newsgroup: rec.aviation.soaring RAS