How to Join GTA

Requirements to Join GTA

1. Have access to a glider. Many partners team fly their glider (alternating pilots), club ships are allowed. You don’t even need to bring the same one to each race, we use a different  handicaps when François brang his PW-5 or his ASW-27. Present proof of ownership of the sailplane, or permission of the owner to fly the sailplane in the competition.

2. Register: mail both Waiver & Registration Form (print it, cut and paste the text into your word processor, OR right-click on it to “save link as” locally) to the address shown on the registration form. $22 suggested donation per year, about a dollar a race day! [it goes toward trophies, web hosting fees, towplane ferry costs, etc] gets you a season of flying and a chance at a trophy. [All funds are used to cover costs of our events and season – the GTA is a nonprofit organization].

Payment Options:

  1. Click though with this paypal button:
  2. Logon to paypal on your own and Pay the annual donation via PayPal to:
  3. Mail a check to Tim’s Address as shown on the registration form
  4. If you have SPOT GPS , Delorme/Garmin Inreach or cell phone GPS tracker please register with the SSA Sailplane Tracker
  5. Cross Country Skills & Experience, Enough where you feel confident of your decision making & landout skills, and have earned the SSA Silver badge, or have a 30 mile OLC flight etc… You are responsible for your own safety. 
  6. Proof of insurance for the sailplane, with a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage liability. 
  7. Valid FAA Private or Commercial Glider Pilot Certificate (or the equivalent from another country) [student certificate is not sufficient]. 
  8. Parachute packed within 180 days. 
  9. Read the current SSA Sports Class Regional Rules.
  10. Since 2003 we require 100% GPS scoring so some type of GPS is needed to produce a valid .igc file. The .igc file can come from either a secure logger or simply from any GPS which can be connected to a PC, PDA [insecure logger] or smart phone. There are several low cost ways to do this. If you’d like a more capable flight computer type of program which can record the flight from almost any smart phone, or PDA, try XCSoar, SeeYou Mobile/OudiiGlide, WinpilotGlide Navigator II etc. You must put your pilot information into the logger, Competition ID, Name, Glider Type.
  11. We strongly encourage the use of FLARM & transponders.
  12. A Fun and SAFE attitude.

The Unwritten Rules, written.
For any sport, the rules that aren’t written can be as important as those that are. Here is a brief list of the things you should be trying to achieve in soaring competition, in decreasing order of importance. The first four should be considered mandatory on every flight.

  • Don’t endanger people on the ground
  • Don’t endanger other pilots
  • Don’t endanger yourself
  • Don’t endanger your glider
  • Learn from the flight
  • Enjoy the flight
  • Score well

Note: All pilots that participate in GTA events do so at their own risk, are expected to make their own decisions no matter what the “task” is, assume full responsibility for their actions, follow all applicable regulations and common sense. Participation is completely voluntary and can be declined at any time.