Photo Finish

Please Upload your photos of GTA events and Participants below.

2013 GTA T-Shirt Logo

Our Favorite Frenchman Gets A Little Trophy From GTA!  2012 Awards JJs_Trophy_Oktoberfest2012_sm.jpg

Quitman 2012 Race Hosted by Rose City Soaring Association, Inc.IMG_6876.jpg Quitman Pilot Meeting 2012
                       Quitman Lunch 2012       


                             Quitman Grid 2012 glidergtarace 018

Cordele 2002 hosted by MGSA – A three day weekend with 3 incredible days of soaring. Fast speeds, 300k & 500k flights…

One of our biggest races, lots of smiles at Cordele.
Click to Enlarge

Back row: Dottie & Francois Pin, Dan Nugent, Bill Staley, Bill Poole???, Scott Anderson, Dieter Jaeger, Ivan Kahn, Bill Brashear, Murray Forbes, Dana Hardy, Walt Schneider, Megan Stevenson,

Middle Row: Meredith Stevenson, Wayne Hoover, Pat & Hartley Falbaum, Mitch Deutsch, Joe Flores, Lynne, John Bojack, Fernando Silva, unknown towpilot, Bill Elliot

Front Row: Conrad Seuchting, Tim Larsen, Ron Roberts, Colin McKinley, Dave Stevenson, Chris Ruf, unknown, Tim McGowin, David Hammond, Gary Carter, Johnathan Silva

Mitch Deutsch, Does it get any better than this?              photo credit: Bill Elliot

                              Carol Silva.                          photo credit: Bill Elliot

Conrad ready to fly the first PW-5 300k in Georgia.             Photo credit: Bill Elliot

Dieter Jaeger  photo credit: Bill Elliot

Chris Ruf.     Photo credit: Bill Elliot

Fernando Silva          photo credit: Bill Elliot

Assembling the soon to be 2002 National Sports Class Champ. Dave Stevenson and his Foka.
Photo credit: Bill Elliot

Assembly             photo credit: Bill Elliot

Gary Carter!!!

I wish I could think of either a great caption or an explanation… Please send your ideas!

#1: “This battery is only good for 7 amps, but it is even more effective when held to the tongue” . . . Ruf

#2: “Yankee Dogs, I blow this up in the name of Allah.”. . . Bob Gaines

#3 “Ready, 1,2,3 CHARGE: Oops, too late.”. . . Dieter Jaeger

#3 “Patience my ass!”. . . Ted Mavrotheris

#3 “I only look like a Bear”……………………Teddy !.”. . . John Murphy

#3 “I**didn’t***think****theeeese~~~HAD****enough****voltage***to^^^^. . .”. . . Steve Corlew

#3 “Gary rehearsing his new Broadway play “Springtime for Osama”. . . Brad Kueven

#3 “I’ll get you my pretty and your little plane too. . . Brad Kueven

#3 “This picture from Gary’s audition tape for Monster Garage. . . Brad Kueven

#3 “It’s alive ,alive I tell you!. . . Brad Kueven

#?: add your caption here:

photo credit: Jonathan Silva

Gary & Chris Carter
photo credit: Bill Elliot, Click to Enlarge

Kids having fun
photo credit: Bill Elliot

John Bojack
photo credit: Bill Elliot, Click to Enlarge

Joe Flores with his Open Cirrus
photo credit: Bill Elliot

Megan Stevenson
photo credit: Bill Elliot

At the pilots meeting, Listening….
photo credit: Bill Elliot

At the pilots meeting, Talking….
photo credit: Bill Elliot

At the pilots meeting, Listening….
photo credit: Bill Elliot

The grid getting ready as the CUs pop….
photo credit: Bill Elliot – click to enlarge

Clouds grow as the crowd gets ready.
Click to Enlarge

Back row: Meredith Stevenson, Dottie & Francois Pin, Dan Nugent, Bill Staley, Bill Poole?, Dieter Jaeger, Scott Anderson, Ivan Kahn, Bill Brashear, Murray Forbes, Dana Hardy, Walt Schneider,

Middle Row: Carol Silva, Wayne Hoover, Pat & Hartley Falbaum, Mitch Deutsch, Joe Flores, Lynne, John Bojack, Fernando Silva, unknown towpilot, Bill Elliot

Front Row: Conrad Seuchting, Tim Larsen, Ron Roberts, Colin McKinley, Dave Stevenson, Chris Ruf, unknown, Tim McGowin, David Hammond, Gary Carter, Johnathan Silva [seated in front]

Cordele’s Wally Melon, any resemblance to any other Wally is just coincidence.



The Gang Ready for one of the best racing days in the South. March 1998 in LaGrange turned out to be a really fast day with great lift under great CUs.
Left to Right: Mark Morton, Francois Pin, Brad Kueven, Bruce Fox, Gilly Smith, [Hidden? could be Bill Poole], Fernando Silva, Larry Goddard, Mitch Deutsch, Bill Lardin, John Bojack, Hartley Falbaum (mostly hidden), Gary Carter, David McGaughey, Roger Erikson, Chuck Patterson.
photo credit: Chris Ruf


Conrad Suechting in PW-5 FP2, Fall 2000
John took these photos with a zoom lens from high altitude in his Junior 😉
photo credit: John McClary


Dieter Jaeger after his first flight in 01, January 2001
photo credit: Larry Goddard

1997 GTA Awards
photo credit: Chris Ruf


Our Leader …Mark Morton Jamming at Spring Fling, March 1998
photo credit: Chris Ruf

Uli reflecting on Dieter’s flying
photo credit: Uli Maiberg- Click to Enlarge


David McGaughey in his L-33 Solo
photo credit: Chris Ruf

Oh Mark, looks like you forgot to sign in, you are Disqualified! Just kidding.
photo credit: Chris Ruf


At SES in LaGrange we have even Winch Launched about half the Contestants in one GTA
photo credit: Chris Ruf


Chris Ruf making a run along the Chilhowee Ridge
photo credit: Will Reisman – Click to Enlarge

Sometimes Chilhowee has great Ridge Lift and Fall Colors
photo credit: Will Reisman – Click to Enlarge


Tim Larsen takes HS up for its debut flight.
Click to Enlarge

Tim Larsen & Jantar safely down after the first flight, and of course thumbs up.
Click to Enlarge

See Also Photo Finish page 2

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